Few weeks ago I posed a question on Twitter whether there would be interest to organize a webops hackathon I am close to getting confirmation for conference space at Microsoft NERD for October 11, 2012. Now comes the hard part :-). We need to figure out what format should hackathon and unconference take as well as what topics we should talk about. There is going to be a monitoring conference at the end of March spearheaded by Jason Dixon (@obfuscurity) so we may want to leave out monitoring topics.
In a nutshell we need to decide
How much of the event should be a hackathon and how much should be an (un)conference
If we want talks what topics should we seek talks for e.g. continuous integration, noSQL, site scalability, etc.
Name of the event :-)
If you have any ideas send me an e-mail conference X vuksan.com (replace X with you know what).