22 January 2025

DuckDB allows direct querying/importing of data from HTTP endpoints including S3 compatible storages. The httpfs extension currently lacks direct support for Fastly Object Storage however as it is S3 compatible all you need to do is modify the S3 type to support it. The only two changes are

  • ENDPOINT needs to point to the Fastly endpoint for the region you want to use e.g eu-central.object.fastlystorage.app
  • URL_STYLE needs to use path

For example I have a bucket in us-east region and my config looks as follows.

    TYPE S3,
    KEY_ID 'K******************',
    SECRET '*******************************',
    REGION 'us-east',
    ENDPOINT 'us-east.object.fastlystorage.app',
    URL_STYLE 'path'

After that’s done you can do things like

SELECT * FROM 's3://my-test-bucket/data.csv';